Monday, June 14, 2010

Haitian Handmade Awesome-ness

My kitchen table is filled with some amazing hand made items from Haiti that are the beginning of the new Art Co-op in Cazale, Haiti. This Co-op has been a dream of ours since our first visit to Haiti, when we realized that lack of jobs is the main reason that so many children are starving. We're hoping that by providing an outlet for sales and by training people in need of jobs to learn a new artistic skill, that less children will go hungry and we will make a tiny dent in the problem that is poverty in the mountains of Haiti.

This blog has been used in the past to post about our time in Haiti (please scroll down to see the beautiful kids that are the reason we want to use art to make a difference), but now it will be the home to our new adventure. We are so excited to see this dream become reality!

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